Outstanding contingent liability at year-end a loan repaid with interest in equal periodic payments. 年终未偿还的或有负债定期付息偿还的贷款。
Outstanding contingent liability at year-end But they receive no dividends until interest payments are made on outstanding bonds. 年终未偿还的或有负债但他们必须在公司付清尚未偿还的债券的利息之后才能分得红利。
Outstanding contingent liability at year-end current maturity of long term debt 年终未偿还的或有负债本年内到期的长期负债
For example, most of the original forms covered only contingent liability and did not cover a contractor's direct liability for professional services. 例如,大部分只包括或有负债的原始面貌,不包括承包商的专业服务的直接责任。
Outstanding contingent liability at year-end; 年终未偿还的或有负债;
Part three is to strengthen basic countermeasure for controlling and managing the local government contingent liability of our country. 加强我国地方政府或有债务控制管理的基本对策。
Contingent liability is one of the core contents of fiscal risk, so it's important to understand it clearly. 或有负债是财政风险的核心内容之一,正确认识或有负债是有效控制财政风险的关键。
During the investigation, the acquirer must attach importance to the subject qualification and background, key rights and liabilities, internal control system, tax risks and contingent liability of the enterprise. 文章指出,在进行财务尽职调查时,购并方特别要对被购并企业的主体资格和背景、重大债权债务、财务内控制度、税务风险、或有负债等事项进行关注和调查。
There are some shortcomings of contingency in accounting standard for enterprises, such as recognition of contingent asset, disclosure of contingent liability. 或有事项会计准则仍有一些不足之处,诸如与或有事项相关的资产的确认,或有负债的披露等等。
The government contingent liability is one of the central elements of the financial risk. 政府或有负债是财政风险的核心内容之一。
Contingent liability of local government has become a major hidden danger affecting steady operations of local public finance and economy as well as social stability. 地方政府或有负债由于其不确定性和隐蔽性且疏于管理和规范,已经成为冲击地方财政经济稳健运行和社会安定的重大隐患。
The Economic Analysis of the Local Government Contingent Liability 地方政府或有负债分析与风险防范
Uncertainty is an essential feature of the local government contingent liability. 不确定性是政府或有债务的基本特征。
This paper considers the intension, expression and causes of China's fiscal contingent liability and proposes some solutions. 本文对我国财政或有负债的内涵、表现、原因及解决问题的思路进行分析和讨论。
On Local Government Contingent Liability 谈地方政府或有负债问题
The Research on the Relationship of the List Company's Guarantee and Its Arousing of Contingent Liability 上市公司担保与担保所引起的或有负债关系研究
Part two introduces the reasons and the economic effects of the local government contingent liability. 第二部分:我国地方政府或有债务的原因透视与效应分析。
On China's Fiscal Contingent Liability 浅析我国财政或有负债
The thesis, from positive angel, analysis how contingent liability takes from and its affecting factors. 本文从实证的角度分析了或有负债的形成机理和影响因素。
Contingent Liability and Opportunism in Fiscal Adjustment 财政调整、机会主义与政府或有负债
Contingent Liability of Local Government Positive Analysis 地方政府或有负债的实证分析
On China's Fiscal Contingent Liability Sufficient Condition for Having Cycles in a Graph 浅析我国财政或有负债图中有H圈的充分条件
Research on Enterprise Contingent Liability and Accounting 企业或有负债及其核算探讨
Hence, the conscientious analyses and study of the local government contingent liability is significant to guarantee the sane development of the local finance economic and even whole national economy. 因此,认真分析和研究我国地方政府或有债务问题,对保证地方财政经济乃至整个国民经济的稳健发展具有重要意义。
Study on the Contingent Liability Risk in Our Local Government 我国县乡政府或有负债风险研究
Thinking over Precautions and Elimination of Local Government's Contingent Liability Risks 防范与化解地方政府或有负债风险的思考
Contingent liability has how become a serious problem that local government must face. 或有负债已经成为地方政府必须面对的严重问题。
Firstly, the author begins with current research at home and abroad to analyze the necessity of local government contingent liability research. Secondly, the author discusses several relevant theoretical basis of local government contingent liability which supplies a foundation for constructing the accounting. 首先从国内外研究现状进行综述,揭示研究地方政府或有债务问题的必要性;接着讨论了地方政府或有债务风险防范的理论基础,为构建会计核算体系提供理论依据。
However, so far, the government accounting of our country is unable to satisfy the need of relevant information on local government contingent liability. Therefore, it is necessary to reform local government debt accounting system under the guidance of risk management theory. 但目前我国的政府会计尚不能满足对地方政府或有债务信息的需求,因此有必要在风险管理理论的指导下,对地方政府或有债务会计核算制度进行改革。
The research is developed from two aspects, accounting and risk management to discuss how to build a local government contingent liability accounting system guided by risk management. 从会计和风险管理两个维度开展,探讨如何建立以风险管理为导向的地方政府或有债务会计核算体系。